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Want To Join PEZheads?


If the answer is "Yes", we welcome you! Subscribing to PEZheads Online is very easy.

If you are already already have a Yahoo account, then all you need to do is visit the PEZheads page on Yahoo Groups and then click on the "Join this Group" button. Yahoo Groups will ask you to login to your account and will then send you to a screen to verify which email address you want to use for our group, desired message delivery, and desired message format. When done, and you click to join, you will be taken to a screen that says that your request has been forwarded for approval. At this point, you will receive an email from us asking for your real full name, the email address you want to use for the list and confirmation that you are over 18.

We ask for this information for one main reason: to ensure that the person requesting to join our list is a real person, and not a SPAM risk.  In the past, automated robots have tried to join the list in order to gather email addresses or to send out SPAM and we would very much like to avoid that.  Please rest assured that any personal information you send to us will remain confidential!

As soon as we get this information, you will be added to our list. Please allow 48 hours for your request to be approved. You will know that you've been added to our list when you receive our "Welcome to PEZheads" email. It is important for you to read and save this email. It contains our list guidelines, email posting instructions, and instructions on how to unsubscribe.

That's it! If you’re ready to join, head on over to the list page at:

If you do not already have a Yahoo account, you will need to set one up before you can join PEZheads. This is required so that you may login to PEZheads from the web if desired, and to be able to access your list account and make any changes that you might need.

When you click on the "Join this Group" button, you will go to a Yahoo Groups login screen. Click on the "Don't have a Yahoo! ID?" sign-up link. From here you will need to follow the instructions to set up your new account. When you are finished, you should be taken to the screen where you select your desired settings (described above). If not, click on the link above and follow the instructions described above.