From EncycloPEZia
Mater is a beat-up tow truck from the Cars movies.
Dispenser Information
Based On
The character from the films Cars and Cars 2.
Variation A is from the film Cars. Variations B and C are from Cars 2.
- Mater A: Brown tow truck with painted engine
- a: Full engine block painted brown
- b: Only air filter painted brown
- Mater B: With earphones
- a: Regular stem
- b: Checkered flags printed on stem
- Mater C: Pull-&-Go
Year Produced
- A:
- a: ?
- b: 2006
- B: 2011 (both variations)
- C: 2011
Patents & Countries
- A:
- a: ?
- b: 5.9 / China
- B:
- a: 5.9 / China
- b: 7.5 / China
- C: 5.9 / China
- A: Green (both versions)
- B: Lime green (both versions)
- C: Lime green