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How to add a dispenser write-up

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Ready to dive-in? Great! Here's how:

Use the search box at left to find the dispenser you're looking for, it may already exist. If it does, you can use the 'Edit' link at the top of the page and fire away.

The easiest way to create a new page that does not yet exist, is to start by searching for it. On the resulting search page you will see a red link to 'create this page'. Click that and start editing. The easiest way to start a new page is to use the provided dispenser boilerplate. You will see a drop-down menu above the editing area. Select the Dispenser Boilerplate and hit 'Load' and the text area will be pre-filled with some standard text that you can edit. Be sure to save your changes when you are finished. Some things to keep in mind:

  • We are not a price guide. Please don't add pricing information to the site except under very limited circumstances (i.e. "At $200, this was the highest-priced retail dispenser ever sold" would probably be acceptable while "These typically sell on eBay for $50" would not)
  • This is a wiki, which means anyone can edit (almost) any page. Don't be offended if someone changes or clarifies your wording.
  • People caught trying to abuse the system in any way, or deliberately inserting false information into articles will be banned from the site. Please be nice.

Remember that all work submitted is subject to a Creative Commons license which means that others are free to edit, adapt and reuse your work. You can read more about that on our copyrights page. If you do not agree to those terms, please do not submit content. Above all, do not submit copyrighted work without permission!

Thanks in advance for your help!